April 2020: The Inflationary Risks of Stimulus Measures

April 29, 2020

As we enter the mark the end of April and the tenth week of life with COVID-19, we hope you and yours are experiencing good health and continued safety.  For many of us, this period has given us a renewed focus and prioritization on what matters the most in life. […]

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March 2020: The CARES Act: COVID-19 Relief Stimulus

March 31, 2020

THE STIMULUS The rapidly evolving Coronavirus pandemic has created a disruption to the global economy in recent weeks with many areas of commerce and trade hitting the pause button. As a result, the US government has responded with unprecedented measures intended to stabilize the financial markets and mitigate the economic […]

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March 2020: Special Market Commentary

March 16, 2020

Special Market Commentary March 16, 2020    Over the last few weeks, we’ve been in the midst of a constantly shifting and changing investment environment.  The situation is evolving in real-time, but you can be confident that we have been working very hard on your behalf to navigate the movements […]

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February 2020: Market Commentary

February 15, 2020

We want to proactively communicate with you about the market movements of the past week.  In doing so, we thought it might be helpful to remind you of a few of our guiding principles in managing your wealth. First, although non-professional investors may think this seems counterintuitive, periods like this […]

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February 2020: Interpreting the SECURE Act

February 11, 2020

  Interpreting the SECURE Act: How New Legislation May Affect Your Retirement As we usher in 2020, we want to update you on some important legislation that was passed and signed into law at the end of 2019.  The SECURE Act has many potential implications to your financial picture. As your financial […]

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December 2019: Market Commentary

January 21, 2020

2019 ended with all three major market endices marking all-time highs, a far cry from this time a year ago when the market was recovering from a near 20% sell-off.  This “tale of two markets” reminds us why investing with a long-term view is a true competitive advantage in a […]

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September 2019: Market Commentary

October 3, 2019

Global financial markets continue their holding pattern near all-time market highs with major indices ending the quarter close to where they started. A tug-of-war is at work, with the trade war, slowing growth, and escalating geo-political tensions offsetting interest rate cuts by the Fed. The Fed is split between those […]

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September 2019: Inaugural Mary Ann Greenwood Endowed Scholarship Granted to Pocahontas Locals

October 1, 2019

BY DAMON ALLEN AKIN   Greenwood Gearhart has been a proud partner with the Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund (ASPSF) for many years, dating back to the organization’s inception and its founder, Ralph Nesson. Over the years, the firm has grown its support with the organization, the culmination of which […]

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June 2019: Market Commentary

July 11, 2019

Global financial markets continued to rally through the second quarter, closing near an all-time high on the major market indices. Buoyed by expectations of accommodative Fed policy, the markets shrugged off ongoing concerns around the China trade war as well as geopolitical concerns, particularly in regards to deteriorating relations with […]

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March 2019: Market Commentary

March 11, 2019

Following a challenging December, the financial markets recovered in the first quarter just as rapidly as they fell, reflecting the volatile investment environment we navigate. As we wrote to you in December, we expected recovery and added cautiously to portfolios in the early part of the year. While it’s impossible […]

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Important Disclosures

Market commentary is intended for convenience, educational, and informational purposes only. Nothing herein should be construed as individualized advice or recommendations, and the discussions contained are not a substitute for investment advice from a professional adviser. Readers should not use this content as the sole basis for any investment, financial planning, tax, legal or other decisions. Rather, a professional adviser should be consulted, and independent due diligence should be conducted before implementing any of the options referenced herein.

Due to various factors, including but not limited to changing market conditions, this market commentary may no longer be reflective of current opinions or recommendations.  This market commentary should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the authors as of the date of publication and are subject to change.

Third party rankings and recognition should not be construed as a guarantee of a particular outcome nor form the sole basis for the selection of an adviser.  Unless otherwise specifically indicated, Greenwood Gearhart did not pay a fee for inclusion in the award/ranking.